Expert Witness
AIRO has accumulated considerable experience in the particular requirements of preparing and presenting exidence on noise in legal and quasi-legal proceedings. AIRO’s senior personnel are conversant with the formidable range of Statutes, Standards and Codes of Practice which are involved. Cases in which we have given evidence include planning and public inquiries, planning applications and appeals, court cases involving alleged noise nuisance or noise induced deafness, and hearings for music and dancing licenses.
AIRO’s initial assessment will usually involve noise measurements and an appraisal of the circumstances; discussions between the interested parties, for example the noise producer, local residents and officers of the Local Authority. Such discussions frequently resolve the problem without the need for further litigation. However, if required, AIRO will prepare detailed technical reports and written statements, provide technical guidance to the client and their legal team and provide an expert witness to give oral evidence, subject to cross-examination, during legal proceedings.